Monday, February 17, 2020

A winter hike of Big Indian and Fir

Big Indian

I returned to Fir and Big Indian yesterday with the Catskills 3500 Club for my winter climb of these peaks. We followed the same route as last time, except in reverse, doing Big Indian before Fir.

From Biscuit Brook, it was apparently that spikes would be necessary. We also carried our snowshoes, which proved to be wise, because once we turned off the trail to the bushwack to Fir, we needed them instead.

As usual for "viewless" peaks in the winter, there were in fact views through the trees. The photo below is from the ridge between the two mountains.

Although there was a lot of mostly unbroken snow, hence the snowshoes, the day was mostly clear and moderate, with little wind and no precipitation, so it was perfect for a winter hike.

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