Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hiking in Bellingham

The top
Originally uploaded by TheTurducken
On my way back from ASHE, I stopped in Bellingham and then Seattle before flying home. I saw friends in both cities (and my apologies to those of you I didn't have time to see - my visits were brief). While in Bellingham, I did a brief hike with my friend up Mt. Galbraith. This hill, which is privately owned but open to the public, is honeycombed with trails and heavily used by mountain bikers and trail runners. Yes, we saw a lot of runners, but only one other guy hiking, unless you count the trail maintenance crew* working near the trailhead, because it is definitely unsafe to run with mcleods. The trail is also open to unleashed dogs, which we saw several of, and horses, which we did not see any of. All users seem to get along quite well.

The trail itself - we hiked the Ridge Trail - is moderate, and there's a nice view from the top, pictured here.

* Thank you trail volunteers!

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