Sunday, November 20, 2011

ASHE 2011

Proof I was there by TheTurducken
Proof I was there, a photo by TheTurducken on Flickr.
So, it's time for the requisite post-conference wrap-up. ASHE was in Charlotte this year, but ASHE is pretty much the same no matter where it is. It's always nice to catch up with colleagues from all over the country and to take a break from the usual round of work (although I did bring some grading with me). I went to quite a few good sessions - there were none on philanthropy - and picked up a couple of books. It's always rather invigorating.

It was my first conference as a faculty member rather than a student. I hadn't thought about that making any difference before I attended, but it sure beat telling everyone, "Yeah, I'm looking for a job," and having to summarize my dissertation again and again.

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