Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Mighty Hudson

From lower Manhattan, the Hudson River looks sort of like this. Oh, sure, the birds are kind of cute, but the river is nothing special. It's easy to forget that you don't have to go very far before you start seeing this instead. Look how pretty New Jersey can be!

Until now, I had ignored the fact that the Hudson River here is the same one that launched the Hudson River school. It's not just something that keeps New Jersey away from Manhattanites; it's the only fjord in North America. And I can walk to it from my apartment. (Yes. Under 6 miles.)

I think I may now be obsessed with the Hudson River. I am very sad that you can't take a commercial boat all the way from here to Albany. (It's legal enough, but no one has regular commercial service in place. You can sail your own, or charter one.)

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