Sunday, September 30, 2012

Yoga to the People

Yoga to the People has, of all the places I've taken classes, most closely approximated the mythical New York yoga class I heard so much about - i.e., students packed mat-to-mat. While we weren't actually touching, it was close.

The reason for this undoubtedly is that their classes are donation-based. Additionally, this was at their main location in the East Village, which is the sort of neighborhood that probably screens out non-yogis at the borders.

My feelings on the class were mixed. The teacher seemed competent enough, putting together a good flow without any crazy moves, but a class of 50-odd students means no adjustments. The students varied wildly in their skill level; frankly, I was afraid some of them would develop injuries if they kept doing yoga without professional intervention on their form, which it was clear this class would not provide.

Students is accurate, too, as the vast majority of the class was NYU undergrads, and I felt old in comparison.

This isn't a studio I would regularly frequent, but the price can't be beat, so it's worth remembering for when the budget is tight.

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