Monday, October 14, 2013

Grand stairs

Stairs by TheTurducken
Stairs, a photo by TheTurducken on Flickr.
A nice walk becomes a great walk when I discover something new. In this case, I discovered a fabulous staircase and bridge in Riverside Park at 148th St. This part of Riverside Park is generally narrow, in most places not more than a tree-lined path between Riverside Drive and the steep drop to the West Side Highway. At 148th there is one of the park's many small playgrounds, but behind it is a staircase I had previously failed to notice.

The stairs lead to a landing with a carved niche, then to more stairs down to a bridge that crosses over the Metro North tracks. On the far side are stairs to an underpass below the West Side Highway.

The entire design is more baroque than strict utility would require, which is one of the many nice things about New York City parks.

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