Monday, March 23, 2020

Hello New Jersey

When does an urban walk become a hike? I've never quite found a satisfactory answer, but until recently the question didn't matter so much. Now, the only hikes I can do are hikes that start and end at my house, so every hike is an urban hike.

I've been walking nearly every day, almost always in Riverside Park, but this past weekend I decided to hike to New Jersey, just because I could. So, up the west side and over the George Washington Bridge I went.

Hudson & GWB

Just north of the bridge, the entrance to the Long Path along the Palisades is closed due to construction. So I went into Fort Lee Park before returning home.

Hudson & GWB

At 14 miles, I fully qualify this as a hike, and it was really nice just to get a little farther out and see something different.

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