Friday, May 20, 2022

The start of the Tuscarora Trail

On Monday, the weather cleared up, and we finally headed to the hike I had hoped to do on Saturday; the southern terminus of the Tuscarora Trail. The trail is traditionally thought of north to south, but of course it can be done in either direction. T and I wanted to start the TT60 Challenge, which involves hiking 60 miles on the trail in 2022.

To reach the start of the trail, you have to hike a bit on the Appalachian Trail from the nearest parking lot, so that's what we did. After a third of a mile we reached the Tuscarora and started heading downhill. Yes, this was one of those down-then-up hikes, so I was trying to keep a check on myself and not bite off more than I could chew.

Tuscarora Trail/Overall Run

At the top, very few trees were in leaf, but as we descended, the trees got greener. We also had a close encounter with an owl, and we stopped to admire it for a while.

After 2.8 miles on the Tuscarora, we reached the first of two overlooks above Overall Falls and had lunch. We continued to the second overlook (maybe 100 feet away) before deciding this was enough elevation gain - we had about 1,480 feet to go up. 

Tuscarora Trail/Overall Run

Our return was via the same route, albeit slower. 

It was a nice introduction to the Tuscarora, and I'm looking forward to seeing more parts of it.

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