Friday, June 22, 2012

Circumnavigating Manhattan, part II

Railway transfer bridge by TheTurducken
Railway transfer bridge, a photo by TheTurducken on Flickr.
Remember back in April, when I attempted to walk around Manhattan? I've been intending to go back and finish the remaining eight miles, and today was the day I had marked on my calendar.

The problem was, the forecast called for temperatures hitting 100, with thunderstorms in the afternoon. Not exactly ideal weather for walking a trail that is mostly unshaded.

I decided I would attempt it, but I wouldn't be in any hurry, and I'd bail at any point I chose. There's no need to prove I can make eight miles, after all, and the greenway ought to still be there later. So I set out from the 101st St. underpass to the greenway with sunblock on and plenty of water.

I ended up going about 2.5 miles, to 68th St. At that point, I realized I just wasn't enjoying myself, exotic scenery notwithstanding.

That means I still have the remaining 5.5 miles to go to South Ferry for another (cooler) day.

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