Thursday, August 22, 2013

Pacific City Dune

Pacific City Dune by TheTurducken
Pacific City Dune, a photo by TheTurducken on Flickr.
While in Oregon, I was supposed to meet up with the Campfire Girls and camp at Crater Lake. Unfortunately, nasty fires in Southern Oregon made that a wretched idea: The Crater Lake webcam was so smoky at one point that you could barely make out Wizard Island. We changed our plans and headed for the coast, instead.

We spent two nights in Pacific CIty in a cabin by the beach. My favorite thing about the Oregon coast? The entire thing is public land, so you can walk from Washington to California if you wish - although most Oregonians recommend heading away from California whenever possible.

The revised trip didn't involve as much hiking as our original version, but we did walk along the beach to Haystack Rock. (There is another Haystack Rock further north - more on that later.) In addition to the rock, there is this magnificent dune. It's a stiff climb up, but then you can run and leap back down.

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