Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Exploring City Island

I'm (slowly) visiting all the islands of New York City - or, at least, the ones that have bridges, ferry service, or other regular transit to them. I'm not going to kayak to all the little ones. So, I cooked up the idea of leading a hike to City Island and Pelham Bay Park. It would at least give me an excuse to scout it.

I started from the Pelham Bay subway stop. Now, I've visited Pelham Bay Park twice before. For this hike, it was more of a place to walk through than a place to explore. Below is a view from the bridge from Pelham Bay to City Island.

City Island

City Island itself is small, and it has a lot of restaurants, especially seafood restaurants.

City Island

While it was interesting once, I didn't think it would make a great Ramblers hike, so I've put that idea on the back burner.

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