Monday, May 18, 2020

Where to go?

It feels like I am running out of places to walk to from my place. In a way, that's silly - nothing is stopping me from going to Randall's Island every weekend if I want. I guess the trouble is the "if I want" part. They feel less like fun destinations if I'm there all the time.

Also, a lot of interesting places are destinations. That is, to get there, one has to walk through a lot of city streets. Your interest in that may vary, but it often means stopping at traffic lights or dodging people. (Obviously, this depends on where you live. What's a destination to me might be right next door to you.)

I'm thinking of extending my walks a little further in distance to reach new vistas, like Inwood Park, but there are a few logistical difficulties. Namely, right now 9 miles is about as far as I can go without removing my mask. That number will be get lower as summer goes on and it gets hotter.

At a certain point, I'll need to hydrate on a hike. Which means finding a space that is lonely enough to be able to safely take off my mask and drink.

And if I do that ... what goes in must come out, and not all as sweat. There's no "peeing in the woods just out of sight" in Manhattan. So, you have to find a restroom. Not a huge challenge under normal conditions, but you can't just pop into stores or restaurants these days. Many park restrooms are open, which obviously only helps if you're in a park.

One alternative is to bike (in my case, rent a bike) and go farther. Another is to take up running. I'm not gonna take up running.

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