Sunday, June 14, 2020

Finishing the Toilet Paper Trio

The community of hikers who love patches have had some creative responses to the coronavirus. The North Country Trail opened up its Hike 100 challenge to anyone hiking anywhere. There was my own House Hike. And then there is the Toilet Paper Trio, proceeds from which go to fight COVID here in NYC.

I took a page from the Charmin bears (even if my TP isn't Charmin - I'm not picky, even under normal, bountiful standards) and decided to take my roll to the local bears.

First stop was the bear and faun in Morningside Park.

Morningside Park

This was a short, three-mile hike.

Up next was the first trip to Central Park, to the group of bears.

Central Park

This was a longer walk, nearly six miles.

Finally, I returned to Central Park, walking 7.5 to and from the Central Park zoo and its honey bear.

Central Park

The zoo itself isn't open, but there is a walking path through it that is. (You can see the seals!)

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