Sunday, June 7, 2020

Leaving Manhattan without leaving Manhattan

I had volunteered to help marshal a march for the repeal of 50-a led by Robert Jackson, my state senator, today. But the march started in Marble Hill, which meant I had to get their first. I'm still not ready for public transit, so I walked.

(If you want to make a march really long, Senator Jackson is your man - before he was a senator, he became famous for marching from NYC to Albany to demand improved school funding. Today's march, however, was about 4.5-5 miles long, much more doable.)

I took the mostly-scenic walk up, staying up high along Riverside Park but then going through Fort Tryon and Inwood Hill Park.

Fort Tryon

The march left from the Marble Hill Houses and went south to Riverbank State Park.


Here is my senator at the front of the march.


I should add that while I am definitely in favor of repealing 50-a, which seals the records of police officers, I don't think it (and the entire legislative package currently being pushed in New York) goes far enough. Certainly, many of the marchers felt the same; there were plenty of signs calling to defund or abolish the police.

My phone estimates I walked 19 miles, which is likely high, but it was 15 at a minimum (per Google). Last time I walked that far was New Year's Day.

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