Sunday, January 28, 2024

10 miles in the snow

I am trying to up my mileage and endurance this year to what it used to be, so one of my goals is to do at least one hike of 10 or more miles each month. For January, that ended up meaning doing 10 miles in the snow. The roads were clear at that point, so I chose a hike that was nice and flat - the C&O Canal from Great Falls.

Great Falls

I intended to go east towards DC for five miles, then turn around. A few miles in, though, I hit a detour and turned around. Back at the start, I went west, which was less traveled. I looped back on the River Trail - not flat but well worth it for the views of the icy Potomac. However, I still ended up having to kill about a mile by touring around the parking lot and visitor's center. Full disclosure, I was wiped out!

Great Falls

But it was a beautiful hike and worth seeing in the snow.

Great Falls

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