Monday, March 9, 2009

Spring break part II

Beautiful day
Originally uploaded by TheTurducken
It's spring break season, and the Cumberland Trail Conference is one of the many hosts of the Alternative Spring Break program. For five weeks, groups of college students are traveling to Soddy-Daisy to help build trail. I went out to help cook for the group of 70-some people (four schools plus CTC staff and volunteers) during the second week of the program.

The days were actually pretty long, and some days I never made it outside the building. But Wednesday was our day off (well, theoretically - we spent the morning shopping for food), and so that afternoon we did a short hike on the Possum segment of the trail. This photo was taken from the bridge we hiked to. This bridge is actually one that my hiking club helped build last summer. The really sad thing is that I didn't recognize it with more water, an approach from the other side, and a completed bridge!

I left on Saturday to come back to Nashville. Time to get to work.

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