Sunday, June 19, 2016

Gear for the trail

My Long Trail hike is getting startlingly close, and at last my gear list is coming together. I have almost everything, except food, and what's left is easy to buy and doesn't require testing - for example, small tubes of toothpaste. It looks like such a long list!

A few items are luxuries - you'll tear my inflatable pillow from my cold, dead hands - but most of it is basics. I thought about ditching the sun hat, for example, but a bug net doesn't work well without it, and I'm not bringing sunglasses. For comparison, here is the gear list of a seasoned thru-hiker. (You may notice I'm going stoveless. I'm a lazy chef when it comes to camping.)

One question remains, though - what book(s) should I load up on my Kindle reader for evening entertainment, on the evenings I have the energy to read?

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