Saturday, April 25, 2020

Walk to High Bridge

Today's long weekend walk went up, up, and a little bit over to the High Bridge.

I started early, so not many people were out, but it's still odd to see some things closed that are always open, like City College.

Walk to High Bridge

Highbridge Park is nice. It's in good enough shape to be structurally safe, but not so improved as to be an agent of gentrification (yet). One of the playgrounds is being redone, as is the water tower - even if of course both of those projects are on hold at the moment. But the paths have some good views of the East River as well as a nice wooded feel.

Walk to High Bridge

The bridge itself was unusually empty, due less to coronavirus than to the hour of the morning.

Walk to High Bridge

On my hike home, I ended up walking mostly in Riverside Park instead of on streets, as foot traffic was considerably higher than on the way there. Shoppers and errand-runners are less predictable in their movements than park exercisers, so it was easier to stick to the park.

Walk to High Bridge

It clocked in at 9.5 miles, with the usual minimal elevation gain you get in Manhattan.

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