Thursday, December 31, 2020

Sterling Forest Fire Tower

On my last day with a car, I met K at Sterling Forest State Park to hike to the fire tower there. The hike is, according to the visitors center, four miles round-trip, but the NY/NJ Trail Conference maps show it as slightly longer.

We followed the recommended route, which forms a lollipop loop. The return loop, on the red trail, is an old road and much easier, and if I had known that, I might have guided us to use that for both ways. But instead we took the more challenging trail up.

Either way, at the beginning we passed by the old ironworks and then Sterling Lake, both interesting and scenic. 

Sterling Forest tower

The tower itself was closed - not just the cab, but the stairs too. So no vistas, and I'll have to return to climb it. But it was still a nice hike, and good company!

Sterling Forest tower

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