Sunday, March 28, 2021

Two trails at Van Cortlandt

The Van Cortlandt Park Alliance is offering a "21 in 21" challenge - to hike 21 miles in the park this year. They can't be just any 21 miles, but a specific set of trails.* To do them all as indicated actually requires more than 21 miles total.

I'd done the Putnam Trail (well, many times, but relevant to this challenge) during a rainy spring break day. So on Saturday I decided to combine my monthly trail maintenance with checking off a few more.

John Muir Trail

Starting from the west end, I first hiked the John Muir trail to its east end. On the way back, I stopped at my trail section to pick up trash and pull up garlic mustard. I headed back to the beginning, dumped the trash, and then did the Cass Gallagher loop.

Cass Gallagher Trail

I've done the entire loop before - in fact, I helped blaze it - but I haven't done parts of it in a very long time. It feels a bit more rugged than some of the other trails, and there are several ascents and descents. There is also a staircase and a brief section of old paving, so the entire trail offers a varied experience.

Cass Gallagher Trail

I have six trails to go (one being a free choice).

*There are substitutions available with the clear intent that they are to be used if the official hikes are too challenging. While no one is checking up, just marching for 21 miles and calling it done would be a violation of the spirit of the rules.

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