Sunday, July 12, 2020

Hiking to Nimham fire tower

Of course, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to visit a fire tower, even if I couldn't climb it. Nimham Multiple Use Area is east of Fahnestock so I went out for a late-afternoon jaunt on Tuesday.

  Nimham Fire Tower 

The trail is a well-maintained gravel road, closed to the public. While it's reasonably steep, it's only two-thirds of a mile. 

Obviously the highlight of the trip is the tower itself. Now, the tower is closed for COVID. I'm not sure that's necessary - limit it to one party at a time, sure, with no passing on the stairs. But the tower only holds six people and is open-roofed. I suspect handrails are the concern. Also, let's just say that I did not observe folks following this rule. (I did. It doesn't mean I'm extra good, but if I visit I want to be able to share my photos, etc.!) But I was told the view is very nice. I will have to return here on another occasion to see the view for myself.

  Nimham Fire Tower

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